Saturday, 31 October 2009

○ Garmin 1390 GPS Diagnose Diagnostics "hack" trick

Well, this is not actually a hack, it is just a trick. Here's the main screen:

If you tap the upper right Battery Icon for 5 seconds this interesting menu will pop up:

Here you have a secret diagnostics page. You can test ROM, RAM, monitor temperature levels, USB cable detections, battery level, etc...Press next and you have further options:

I Pressed Start Test, but it's a background test, does not show you anything else other than the results show at this page. Here you have an interesting "More" button that shows you info on your current Garmin Software Inventory. It's interesting to see how some were removed:

You can even test for dead sub-pixels. I found out i had a dead sub-pixel on the lower right corner. But completely unnoticeable otherwise.

Here you can test the current voice you have set on your GPS among other things:

Finally this one is interesting, you can check information regarding the sattellites you have gathered. 3 GPS are the minimum to gather your location, but in my case, more than 3 GPS work working, giving me more accuracy:

Of course, there were numbers were it's now painted in green. :)

Thursday, 29 October 2009

○ Can't remove network printer connection? Forcing removal / uninstall

If you are having problems removing a printer from the Printers folder, this may be the answer for you:

When you add a network printer connection to your computer, the printer's shared name is placed on your printers folder as well.

When you try to remove this connection later on, the computer will communicate with the server to check if that printer still exists ( don't ask why) but, even if both printer connections are pointing to the same TCP/IP address, if the printers name do not match for confirmation, it won't delete, telling you something like "No longer connected to server"

To successfully remove this printer given that there is a mismatch with the printers connection name you have to first rename the connection, follow these steps to do it:

1. Start
2. Run
3. regedit.exe
4. Go to hive HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Printers\Connections

Unless you can't have access to regedit, you do not need special permissions to edit the lines as you are editing your own user hive ( HKEY_CURRENT_USER) . I advise you however not to mess with anything else if you don't know for sure that it is safe.

5. Rename the printer's name to match the one on the server

6. You should now be able to delete the printer connection.

I hope this helps someone as i struggled a couple of hours to find a solution but not even google helped me right away, so here's my contribution.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Installing Wavelink Studio Client

For those who are not easily familiared with activesync and Windows mobile or Pocket PC with Windows CE operating, it might not be just plain simple to install an application to it like we do in windows. ActiveSync helps to transfer content to some degree. But i found that different applications may have different installation "quircks" and for this particular installation, you have to:

1 - Connect your device to the dock cradle
2 - Download Wavelink Avalanche and install it for your platform (If it's a pocket PC then, PPC 2003)
3 - Only then you install Wavelink Studio Client
4- And last, copy Hosts configuration files.

2 hours on this one..