Saturday, 16 January 2010

○ oPEn Shell Menu and Network drive with Access Denied

If you can't access a network drive trough My comnputer saying "Access Denied" and you see a "oPEn" entry when you right click this network drive,  you may be having difficulty accessing this network path when navigating to "My computer" in Explorer. This behaviour in my experience can be left overs from malware for instance. Specially if you log in with other domain account and there you can access it.

Now if you are familiar with regedit and windows registry you would think that you could just do a search in regedit and query for "oPEn", bad news is regedit.exe is not case sensitive (at least mine is not at this moment)  so i got a tool that allowed case sensitive searches trough the registry and it led me here:

Then, just deleted the ##server##folder and all other sub-keys entry and recreate the nework drive by the traditional means.

Hope this helps. Be carefull tough, only delete when you absolutely know what you are doing.

○ Restarting server shares service for network folders

Different network shares can exist in a server environment. If you happened to restart one of your main server that had shared network folders active and not anymore, you have to restart the corresponding services.

To check what resources are being shared on the server type at the command prompt:

"net share"

To see a list of your previously shared network folders on the server open regedit and go to:


These are the folders you need to reshare again right?

If so all you have to do is to restart these share services you need to restart the "Server" service along with this service dependencys.

Solved. Hope this helps
 If you need additional help read this:

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

○ Renaming User accounts in AD and changing Documents and Settings Folder

Yes, this is from microsoft, it is just so I won't forget i know i can easily find this on my corner :D


Identify the user's profile path. There are two methods to identify the profile path. Either by user path settings or user SID. The user SID method is preferred.

User SID method

Use the GETSID tool from the Windows Server Resource Kit to obtain the SID. Use syntax similar to the following example:

GETSID \\SERVER1 UserName \\SERVER1 UserName

Once you obtain the SID, use Regedit.exe or Regedt32.exe to select the user's SID under the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
Some Other SID Tools i Like: